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This 1 hour 15 minute treatment offers a client a very personalized treatment with her therapist, whereby a full lifestyle consultation is taken to ensure there are no contraindications to receiving a treatment. Aromatherapy massage is best suitable for anyone suffering from any form of aches and pains, people who want some immune boosting, someone feeling low on energy and needs a re-charge, any skin ailments. It helps to soothe the mind , body and the spirit, bringing abundance and equilibrium to the total being. It is an ancient old remedy which uses pure organic essential oils distilled from plants, flowers and herbs that work into our blood barrier system, and healing takes place where it is required. An amazing treatment if one wants to keep in optimum health.

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This complete detox session is excellent for anyone retaining water, suffering from regular edema and any form of swelling in the body. A full lifestyle consultation is taken prior to the treatment to make sure there are no contraindications. If the client wishes, the therapist can utilize pure organic essential oils during the drainage as this helps to clean the body of unwanted toxins, reduce cellulite and keep the body in proper equilibrium. This is not really a massage but more on the clinical side of working very precisely with the Lymphatic system, very gentle pumping and draining movements are utilized during the session. The client will feel a subtle release after the session and feel much lighter. This treatment also helps to boost the immune system as well, at the same time. A great treatment for anyone going through a detox program or is retaining too much water in their system.


Prenatal Aromatherapy treatments can commence after the first trimester of a healthy pregnancy. This is a good time to start these treatments before it becomes too late as using safe essential oils and having these type of treatments will help the mum to be more relaxed, pain free, stress free, comfortable and of course to take the edge off the nervousness, specially if it is the first pregnancy. Excellent for the mums health and of course the child, as essential oils help to boost the immune system, make the skin more supple hence no stretch marks, makes one tranquil and easy to fall asleep at night, and many other issues.

Commencing a pre-natal massage will require a full lifestyle and health consultation to make sure there are no complications, no allergies and no sensitivities to certain products. Working with the client to help them through the pregnancy ie emotional issues, any physical issues that may occur during the pregnancy and more. Many women who opt for giving birth without epidural or general anesthetic can actually give birth the normal way and bring their child out into the world of Aromatherapy. It is a very natural safe method then taking drugs.


Kinesiology / Muscle Testing Response (90 to 120 minutes)

This is a form of therapy that uses muscle monitoring to look for  imbalances that may be causing a disease in your body. Kinesiology helps to detect and balance those disharmonies that maybe related to stress, nutrition disorders, intolerance to foods and much more. It is not used to diagnose diseases. It is a tool that helps to allocate disharmony structurally, muscularly, chemically and emotionally in the body. 

Kinesiology visualises muscles as linked to specific organs, and it uses manual muscle testing to evaluate the health of the person seeking help. Whereas conventional medicine uses muscle testing as a means of assessing the structural and functional health of the neuromuscular unit. Applied kinesiology is a strong foundation to detect food intolerances for example, as the theory of 'What the body wants the body knows' is so true because you know what is good for you and what is not. Today there are so many people with some pretty serious food allergies and blood tests, skin patch testing, hair sample testing are just not enough as a huge range of foods will come out as positive and hence you cannot consume them.  This becomes very stressful for someone to decide what they can and cannot eat and drink. 

The same theory applies for the supplements people take as they buy things they feel will support their health, however taking supplements without being diagnosed is dangerous. Muscle testing helps us know which supplements work for you and which do nothing for you. Besides food intolerance testing, Muscle testing is very useful to also detect emotional issues that cause stress which then can help us to deal with it better, once realisation takes place. 



This 1 hour 15 minute treatment is pure bliss for someone who loves having their feet manipulated, and would like to harmonize their well-being through the feet. Since the feet have walked on this earth for many centuries and takes a toll daily, due to standing, exercising, jumping and of course walking. Why not come and have a clinical Reflexology session, whereby after the treatment a foot chart is made to show where the energy is stagnated and how the chart changes and how quick the recovery period is for most ailments.



As a Clinically Certified Aromatherapist, if you are suffering from any skin irritation, hair loss, muscular aches and pains, migraines or any condition that can cause us grief. I can make a personalized blend for you to treat any ailment that you may require for yourself. Aromatherapy works on the mind, body and soul and can enhance one’s personal life to all levels. It is an ancient old remedy which uses essentials oils distilled from plants, flowers and herbs that work into our blood barrier system and then travel to the target organs, where it starts to work internally. Holistic Aromatherapy is in the forefront today, as an alternative to taking drugs. A full consultation is done prior to making the blend.


Postnatal Aromatherapy sessions can commence after the delivery of the child, pretty much immediately (if it is a natural delivery – C-sections will require one month). It will support the mother to lactate better, take away all the aches and pain from the body, make one’s mood better and more excepting of the sudden change of circumstances and life (with a new born baby). Essential oils can be used for a multitude of issues i.e. healing the perineum, mastitis, stretch marks, weight loss, water retention, emotional issues and much more.

It helps the body to regain back it’s strength and go back to normality with hormones and changes quite quickly. Again the use of essential oils will be safe and breast-feeding will be the upmost priority to make sure that only safe essential oils are used while the mum is still feeding. Again a very natural and safe way of using alternative therapy to help with a multitude of conditions for both mother and child.



This 1 hour session is magical and profound. Jin Shin Jyutsu ® has been around for centuries. It is an ancient Japanese harmonizing art that can help one to surrender to the powers of the universe and just BE as they are meant to BE. This art involves the client to lie fully clothed on a massage bed, and just relax while the practitioner works on the energy that flows through certain pathways in the body. Most people go into a very deep state of relaxation. Self-help tools are given after the session so the client can work on themselves and continue with clearing stagnation and thus improving their health and well-being.

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Aromatherapy Facials

A bespoke facial using pure organic essential oils, clay masks, toners, scrubs and cleansers. It helps to treat acne, spots, troubled skin, blackheads, whiteheads and much more. Essential oils are anti-aging, hydrating, rejuvenating and 100% natural. Try this treatment out for yourself and see the difference in your skin.


People who would like to undergo a regression therapy (past and present) normally are the ones who are seeking answers to repeated patterns that occur in their day to day lives.

Some indication of repeated patterns could be a reoccurring nightmare or dream, regular migraines/headaches, repetitive thoughts of the same thing, always reflecting on the past. A nagging certainty that you have been there and done that and want to know why. Sometimes there is no reason as to why one would want to have a regression, it is just about wanting to be more clear in ones path in life and let go of negative emotions. Some people come for curiosity as to know what they might have been in their past life. However it is better to come when you have a recurring problem that needs some intervention and answers.

This 2 hour session is for a person who keeps repeating patterns in their lives, have too much fear, uncertainty for the future, grief and sadness, lack of confidence and so much more. These sessions are targeted for anyone who would like to receive clarity and direction in their life and to move forward towards their goals. Using the amazing art of Kinesiology, Hypnotherapy (Dr. Brian Weiss Work), Time-Line Therapy and  NLP  one can get a very clear picture of the direction they need to follow. A very powerful and interactive session.